Keep viruses away and support your immune system by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with these seven essential foods.

What is a healthy, well-balance diet? It is when you are consuming adequate protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals that will help support your body’s immune system.
A diet that contains the nutrients you need is the best way to support your immunity, which will also help reduce the risk of the coronavirus pandemic.
You always want to strive to fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruit, and the rest of it with protein-rich foods, like eggs, chicken, fish, beans and some whole grains like brown rice or oats.
Here are seven foods and food groups that can
help support your immunity:

Unsalted almonds are a good source of protein, rich in vitamin E (natural antioxidant) and healthy fat. They are one of the best things to keep around the house for a quick immune-boosting snack. Great on the go, and you can add them to cereal, oatmeal, slices on peanut butter toast, in your smoothie, while baking or topping for your salad.

Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are one of my favorite ingredients when cooking. You can roast them, add them to your salads, dice them into a stir-fry, or eat plain as a snack by themselves. They are a great source of vitamin C and beta carotene which is not only great for your immune system, but also your skin and eye health. It is also an excellent option if you are trying to limit your carb consumption. Vitamin C is important for your body to form antibodies that will help it fight illnesses.

I absolutely love broccoli. I eat it almost everyday. It is rich in so many nutrients and antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E (and) potassium and is high in fiber, which makes it filling. Since broccoli is not starchy it is excellent if you are looking to lose or maintain your weight. Broccoli is also very versatile. You can bake it, soup it, juice it, steam it, freeze it, add it to omelets and stir fry. Overall it is nutritious and delicious!

Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are anti-inflammatory and have many antioxidant effects, vitamins and minerals that help your body function properly. Some healthy citrus fruit options include:
- Clementines
- Lemons
- Limes
- Oranges
- Grapefruit

Dark Leafy Greens
Another immune boosting food that I eat every single day. If you aren't already, I highly recommend starting. Dark, leafy greens are good sources of beta carotene, which is associated with reducing inflammation and increasing disease-fighting cells, which help support your immunity. Beta carotene converts to the fat-soluble vitamin A, it’s a good idea to pair dark, leafy greens with a healthy fat, like nuts, for best absorption.
Dark leafy greens include:
- Kale
- Spinach
- Arugula

Pumpkin Seeds
These small but mighty seeds are a good source of zinc, a mineral crucial for immune cells to function and do their jobs properly. About 1.5 ounces of pumpkin seeds provide about 20% of your daily requirement for zinc. Pumpkin seeds make a great snack as is, and can also be topped on soups and salads.

I almost never go a day without eating some delicious, immune-boosting garlic. Not only is it healthy, but it's also my favorite way to spice up any dish. Garlic contains compounds that naturally act to destroy bacteria and infection, which helps support your immune system. Research suggests that consuming garlic may help reduce the risk of becoming sick and staying ill. Since garlic goes well with almost everything, it's easy to incorporate into your eating regimen. Add it to roasted or steamed vegetables. Roast garlic and enjoy it on its own. Add it to soups or your favorite animal or fish protein to make it more savory.
Those are all foods I enjoy on a regular basis and have most certainly helped me stay healthy year round. The foods above are also great for your gut health and digestion. If you aren't already incorporating each of these seven amazing immune boosting foods, make sure to grab them your next trip to the grocery store. Your health will be glad you did! If you would love some ideas for meals you can make using the above foods, let me know and I will share one with you next week :-)
Dedicated to Your Success! In Love & Health, Elle Ross