Just 5 Moves; 2 Minutes Each!
It seems like all most people desire today is to build strong legs, lift up that booty and slim down their waistline. Building a beautiful derrière is great, but creating a well defined leaner mid-section is even better. Why? Because the truth is excess fat around the abdomen is a sign to bigger health problems. Specifically the increase of major health risks such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Luckily you have the power to take control of that gut. Cutting portion sizes, reduce saturated fats, and of course regular exercise can help. Searching for foods rich in healthy fats such as avocados, EVOO and nuts.
Performing ab-centric moves is also key. Moves that will allow you to hit the core from various angles. From the top, side, bottom and the lower back muscles working together. You will get a mini full body workout.
Here are the moves along with a quick video:
1: The Knee to Elbow-Wrist Glide (1 Min Per Side)
2: Push Back Push Ups (2 Min)
3: B-FIT Band Bicycles (2 Min)
4: B-FIT Band Lateral Pulses (2 Min)
5: Side Plank Oblique Crunch (1 Min Per Side)
BOOM! You’re Done!
Conquer this mini workout each morning when you first wake and you will see your mid-section transform. But you must make sure to accompany your efforts with the proper nutrition! Try a morning Avocado & Kale Smoothie Bowl!
1 cup of kale leaves
1 scoop of vanilla (vegan) protein
1 Tbsp. of hemp seeds
1 cup almond milk
1 banana, sliced
½ avocado
½ cup ice
1 Tbsp. agave syrup
½ blueberries
1 kiwi, sliced
1 tsp chia seeds
Optional: Sprinkle granola & coconut

Blend the kale, almond milk, ½ of the banana, avocado, ice, and 1 tablespoon of the agave until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and top with the blueberries, kiwi, chia seeds, remaining ½ banana, and a drizzle of agave.
**You also have the option to blend all the ingredients together and just make a smoothie. May not use the full amounts depending on the size of your blender.
For more simple fun exercises, yummy recipes and fitspiration check out my Nutrition-Wealthy Meal Guide, Workout & Motivational Videos!
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Yours in Love & Health,
Elle Ross